Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Being Mean

When I was younger I was a mean little girl when I didnt get my way. I wouldnt share my toys with my cousins when I would visit their house to play,or vise versa. Now that I look back on my childhood I see that many younger kids have this same behavior. You would think since time has went by that other children wouldn't be the same. Thats where the wrong come in, because our gerneration hasn't changed one bit. Doodle was a kid wanted to be like the other children his age, but it was his disability that held him back. He wasn't your average 5 year old. He needed help with alot of simple things, for instance he couldn't walk on his own because his legs weren't strong enough nor could he crawl.
Doolde's brother thought that having a brother with a disability was a big problem that he couldn't deal with. He would always think of what other people would say or do because he had a brother who could not walk. As time went on Doodle's brother taught him how to walk and things changed drastically. He was no longer mean to his brother. He found the love that he had for his little brother deep down inside.
As I enclose I would like to tell any and everyone that kindness is the way to anyones heart no matter what the situation is.