Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Polonius, Hamlet, and Privacy

Is it okay to invade someone's privacy for the benefit of a parent to go through their child's text messages? No, it is not okay to invade the privacy of others. The reason i say this is because, going through others things will give you just what your looking for. Nine times out of ten it is not the one thing that will make you happy. Going through someone phone is the same as taking a part of me for instance. If my mom was to ever go through my text messages i would feel decieved, because i would think that after all this time she still has no trust in me.

Parents think their child's business is their business, because they are always concerned and nosey to see if their child is up to no good. There worried if their child is out in the streets doing things that they have no business doing. For instance, if a young girl has a crush on a boy and she feel as though she can only express herself through a written letter, and she writes one and leave it somewhere in her room and her mother finds it because she curiouse as to what her daughter is up too.

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