Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reviewing the Alchemist

The Alchemist was a great book about a boy named Santiago who wanted to find his Personal Legend within the pyramids in Egypt. He felt it was his will and power to find the treasures and go back to his love Fatima. Once Santiago go on the journey with the alchemist, he realizes each day he learns something new and more exciting in many ways. I would advise others to read this book, because its mind blowing and will keep you wanting to read the next page.

Title of book: The Alchemist
Author: Paulo Coelho

Friday, May 21, 2010

Is Odysseus 'Horse plan Immortal'

Living environments back when the Odyssey came about was very harsh, and living day by day was a struggle for some. You would have to do whatever it was you had to do to stay alive even if that meant for someone else to get hurt. Odysseus was a strond warrior who wanted nothing more but to get back home to Ithaca and his family. The only thing that Odysseus could think of was what was his child and his wife doin at each moment of the day. He longed to hold his wife in his arms and tell her how much he missed and loved her. HE wanted to tell her that there wasn;t another on earth that could take her place nor there son Telemachus. He fought for 20 years to reach Ithaca and take back wath belonged to him. His loyalty to his family wouldn't let him be held down by anything. He would make it back to them just in time for his sons 20th birthday. Beong a warrior will bring the self loyalty we have for ourselves not to give up on certain advantages that we have and it will push a person to destroy what ever damage there is to come your way.

Home Sweet Home!!!!

Living in Magnolia has been a big turn around for me, its a different atmosphere than where i'm from. My block is very quiet and there isn't that many children that occupy the block. There are mostly older people that live on my block. NO gun shots or people yelling outside of your home, there isn't loud music playing from someone's home or car. Thats unless its rush hour and traffic is backed up down my entire block, would be the only time loud music would be heard. Home sweet home!!!!

Backround Music (Favorite Scene)

The movie The Odyssey was a story about a man who faught in the Trojan War in Troy. It tells you how he and twenty of his men traveled to Troy to fight in the war, Odysseus is a man of good deed and de is well respected. As the war goes on he hasnt had contact with his wife Penelope and son Telemachus. The Odyssey was a movie who showed you the ends and outs of having layolty and respect.

The son "No More Drama" by Mary J. Blige reminds me of he Odyssey. The reason I say th9is is,because all of the drama Odysseus went through he manages to keep himself sane. So many days Odysseus wanted to give up, but something in him would not give up. He pushed himself to the max and he faught with all his might. This is the reason I chose "No More Drama" by Mary J. Blige.

As I enclose, I would like to say that The Odyssey would be a good movie to watch. It will keepyou wanting to watch more and more. I would recommend The Odyssey as a great book to read or a great movie to watch. Anyone can relate to the character Odysseus in manys, for example when he has to choose between loosing his family or death. As I enclose, I would like to say "No More Drama" by Mary J. Blige would be a good reference to anyone.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Job Skills

The job i hope to have when i turn 25, is working as a Registered Nurse in a hospital or doctor's office. Working as an RN would be a good fit for me , because i love helping others in many ways. I believe being healthy is the best way to survive here on earth.

Calculating Numerical data
Keeping track of patients payment if they do not have life insurance.
Finding Info
Going through files to find patients health and personal problems.
Handling Complaints
Disruptive patients who are determined to do what they want when they're present in the hospital. Slip and Falls etc.

The Way I Feel...

Im an emotional reck toyday.... There's alot going on and i don't know if i can handle it. Grades have to get in and i have to get my days fixed with my attendance in school. The more i type the better im feeling, because im letting everything out and not keeping it built up inside. I really hope everything turn out okay for me by the time June gets here. My friends keep me smiling and i hope to find a boyfriend soon... YAY GO MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways thats another subject for another time. Right now im feeling a little jittery, and anxious, im also hungry. I think i just heard my tummy growl... I need a car and some MONEY!!!!!!!!!! I need this week to hurry up and be over, just a couple weeks until prom.